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Monitor, Plan, Automate and manage - Irrigation, Nutrition, Pest and Disease; Based on direct data from your trees, fruits and irrigation system.

Monitor, Plan, Automate and manage - Irrigation, Nutrition, Pest and Disease; Based on direct data from the trees, fruits and irrigation system.


Phytech develops technology designed to help growers manage and optimize production by keeping them connected to their plants. By using real-time data from their plants, fruit, and irrigation system, growers can avoid stress, optimize water delivery, and achieve better and higher yields. Phytech sensors on selected plants continuously monitor microvariations of stem diameter that can indicate stress. The company applies patented algorithms that transform the data into crop-specific plant status information which is then presented in a simple color-coded display. Maximum daily trunk shrinkage and trunk growth graphs complete the picture to give growers a deeper understanding of what is happening in each block for more informed decision-making. Phytechs irrigation recommendations provide further support and a benchmark to help growers avoid under - or over-irrigation.

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